Introduction to polyurethane soft foam flame retardant sponge

Flame retardant soft foam (flame retardant sponge) is often used in export cotton, high-end home furnishing cotton. Fourteen years of flame retardant sponge properties gradually from the focus on flame retardant sponge burning time and burning speed transition to focus on flame retardant sponge smoke density, thermal weight loss, oxygen index. The so-called oxygen index is how much concentration of oxygen so that flame retardant sponge burning value, that is, the sponge began to burn in the environment and the oxygen content of the connection, the unit is %, generally speaking, polyurethane polyether soft foam flame retardant to reach 30% of the oxygen index is more difficult. In recent years flame retardant sponge and add environmental standards. Flame retardant sponges use flame retardants have also changed from halogen flame retardants to environmentally friendly flame retardants, and there is a trend to rely more on melamine (some flame retardant sponges only add melamine).


No matter what flame retardant is used, the physical properties of the sponge will change significantly, for example, the sponge is easy to burn the core (flame retardant promotes the reaction between water and isocyanate), for example, the tensile strength of flame retardant sponge will become much worse (flame retardant raw materials inhibit isocyanate cross-linking reaction), for example, the hardness of flame retardant sponge will be reduced (flame retardant raw materials inhibit isocyanate cross-linking reaction). In the actual foam, flame retardant sponge seems to be more delicate than non-flame retardant sponge: easy to break the bubble or internal cracking (flame retardant raw materials inhibit isocyanate cross-linking reaction results), some flame retardants added to the sponge that is easy to burn the core and slow maturation (flame retardants that promote the reaction between water and isocyanate and inhibit isocyanate cross-linking results, which is a contradiction, bad balance).

From the situation mentioned earlier, flame retardant sponge compared to non-flame retardant sponge, whether the sponge starting process or forming after the physical properties are more fragile, so the production of flame retardant sponge to be gentle. The amount of flame retardant put into the sponge density, flame retardant concentration, isocyanate and the amount of water related. In practice, it is found that the sponge with the same density and the same number of flame retardant parts, the softer the bubble the better the fire retardant effect. No special circumstances when producing flame retardant sponge silicone oil are used flame retardant silicone oil, although not flame retardant silicone oil can also produce flame retardant sponge, but flame retardant silicone oil is more conducive to the dispersion of flame retardants, to enhance the flame retardant effect of one to three percent.


For soft foam flame retardant test heat loss indicator, the following measures are conducive to reducing heat loss and meet the test standard: add inorganic stone powder (stone most stable), increase the use of isocyanate (stability of the benzene ring), the use of low molecular weight polyether (high molecular weight polyether production of sponge thermal stability is not good), the use of MDI or PAPI (multi-phenylene ring), water and isocyanate should not be too small proportion of polyether ( Sponge hard section can not be too little), and so on. The above can be seen, the density is too high sponge instead of easy over the thermal weight loss test standards, high resilience flame retardant sponge thermal weight loss test than ordinary foam flame retardant sponge is difficult to pass, density 20 ~ 30 sponge to deal with flame retardant test in all aspects of the more balanced, which is probably the majority of flame retardant soft foam density in this range of reasons.


Sponge production technology has special characteristics, know how to engage is one thing, to get it right is another thing. The multi-directional nature of the reaction of the sponge will be engaged in the people at will, so that people unfamiliar with the fear. Our life is also a multi-directional choice and change.

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