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Polyurethane | Classification of polyurethane catalysts and selection of catalysts for different polyurethane products

1. Introduction Catalysts are chemicals that can change the rate of chemical reactions. Catalysts used in polyurethane synthesis can be broadly classi…

Inventory of polyurethane raw materials of amine catalysts, tin catalysts

In the process of polyurethane foam preparation, the role of catalysts is mainly to regulate the speed of foaming and gelation reactions to make them …

Calculation of catalysts in polyurethane flexible foam formulations

Kinetics of the reaction of hydroxyl compounds with isocyanates -d(-NCO)/dt=K0×(-NCO)×(-OH) K1 is the forward reaction rate for the complex formation …

Polyurethane rigid foam formulation and calculation method

One, the hard foam combination material need to calculate things is the ratio of black and white materials (weight ratio) is not reasonable, another f…

New catalyst for efficient CO2 conversion

The greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is the end product of many chemical reactions, and its excessive emission will aggravate the global average te…

Silicon oil: I am not the devil | The end of the wrong money

It is because of the overwhelming advertising that many people have already decided that silicone oil in shampoo is the “big villain” &#82…

Doctors warn: 4 kinds of food are cancer “catalysts”, no matter men or women, keep your mouth shut to win!

When it comes to cancer, many people think that it comes quietly and it is all the bad luck of the patients. In fact, this idea is very incorrect. &nb…

Brief analysis of the catalyst of polyurethane raw materials

In the process of polyurethane foam preparation, the role of catalysts is mainly to regulate the speed of foaming and gelation reactions to make them …

Soft foam common problems and solutions

The amount of accidents and problems encountered in actual foaming production is diverse, and each accident production is caused by a variety of facto…

Hard foam shallow talk

In the future, we will try to explore less isocyanates, after all, not in our grassroots class can control the scope. More about polyether (ester) pol…

New catalyst is 10 times more efficient for propylene production

In a year when manufacturing supply chains have been hit hard, another shortage is making productive life harder for manufacturers and consumers: plas…

New catalyst for efficient CO2 conversion

The greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is the end product of many chemical reactions, and its excessive emission will aggravate the global average te…

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