High bioavailability potency Compared with inorganic trace elements, organic trace elements have a higher bioavailability. The main reason is that aft…
A few organic reaction mechanisms that chemistry majors must understand If an alcoholic solution of sodium alcohol is used, carboxylic acid esters are…
A few organic reaction mechanisms that chemistry majors must understand For intramolecular ester condensation of binary carboxylic acid esters see Die…
A few must-know organic reaction mechanisms for chemistry majors (1) Reaction Mechanism The peracetic acid first undergoes nucleophilic addition to th…
JACS: Boron and Lithium, Synthesis and Application of Chiral Secondary Alkyl Zinc Reagents Enantiomerically enriched alkyl borates are a valuable buil…
Preparation of Organic Sodium Compounds. Organosodium compounds in Negishi and Suzuki-Miyaura reactions Organosodium compounds prepared by the above m…
Coupling can be “Sodium” too! The research of organic sodium reagents can be traced back to the 1840s and 1850s, when Frankland, Wanklyn and Wurtz rea…
List of validity period of all solutions, reagents and drugs Laboratory commonly used chemicals, reagents, due to the different nature of the validity…
Iron-catalyzed zincation of terminal alkynyl vinyls Organozinc reagents are among the most commonly used metal reagents in modern synthetic chemistry….
Synthesis and application of solid alkyne-based zinc reagents stabilized by water-oxygenation Double-substituted alkynes have a wide range of applicat…
Development and types of zinc-rich primers Early zinc-rich primers were invented by Australian Victov Night ingale in the 1930s and were prepared by a…
Inorganic zinc-rich primer, organic zinc-rich primer technical requirements 1, zinc-rich primer evaluation 1.1 Anti-corrosion mechanism of zinc-rich p…